Texas classwing shooting

Driving Directions

From Dallas

Take IH-45 South to Corsicana (55 miles from downtown Dallas). Take the 4th Corsicana Exit #229; sign will read Hwy 287 South, Palestine. Go South on 287 (left) for 3 miles to FM 637 (sign at this intersection). Take a left on FM 637 for 2 miles. Upland entrance sign is on left. We are a mile off the road; follow the lodge signs.

From Athens (East Texas)

Come to Corsicana on Hwy 31. When you intersect IH-45 go South on I-45, for one exit (#229); then follow above directions.

From Houston

On I-45 north take the Farm Road 739 exit. Go east on FM 739 to Highway 287 intersection. Turn left and go to Farm Road 637 intersection. Turn right and go 2 miles to Upland entrance gate.


Map of Corsicana


6110 FM 637

Corsicana, TX